hosted by MWM


A new enterprise thats about all the great things that coeliacs can eat and drink!



















  • Did you know that Ikea sells a chocolate cake that is gluten-free?
  • Have you tried all the different Thatcher's ciders?
  • How do we get someone to brew gluten-free real ale?
  • Have you tried the amazing macaroons at the Lost Gardens of Heligan (Cornwall)?
  • Did you know that John Lewis restaurants often have gluten-free cakes?'

The Gluten-Free Glutton will also help eating places and caterers to understand gluten-free eating, and encourage them to include creative options for coeliacs.
Wouldn't it be great if restaurant menus marked gluten-free options?
Have you ever been given just a bowl of lettuce leaves at a buffet lunch?
How many times have you had to tell someone what gluten-free actually means?
And doesn't it help if a restaurant makes you feel special and not awkward? The Gluten-free Glutton is setting up an award scheme that will acknowedge really helpful eating places.

The Gluten-free Glutton is a not-for-profit enterprise and is very new. Its founder Karen Morton, is a coeliac herself, and very keen to find fellow gluten-free gluttons who think this idea sounds interesting. There are lots of plans - help is needed to make them happen!

Karen would love to hear from anyone who can offer ideas, skills or information - and from anyone who would just like to stay in touch and be on the email list of the Gluten-free Glutton.